Charles Hodson photograph album [graphic], circa 1899.


Charles Hodson photograph album [graphic], circa 1899.

Album of photographs taken by Charles Hodson that depict various places in Portland, Corvallis, and Salem, Or.,as well as Washington state, circa 1899. Subjects include businesses, buildings, bridges, trolley buses, ships, and Mount Tabor Park in Portland; Oregon Agricultural College (now Oregon State University) and other buildings in Corvallis; the State Capital building, Oregon State Penitentiary, and the Salem Flouring Mill fire of 1899 in Salem; and various public and historic buildings in Bucoda, Tacoma, and Olympia, Wash.

0.01 cubic feet (49 photographs in 1 volume).


SNAC Resource ID: 8335482

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Hodson, Charles. (person)

Oregon Agriculutral College (corporateBody)

Oregon State Penitentiary (corporateBody)